Atrick Designs simplified, elegant, and innovative products with great user experiences. We have the multidisciplinary skills and experience to think, design, and build across disciplines and manufacturing techniques. Work with us for a better way forward with your product.

Our blog of work we have done:

- GT40 Blog page

- Manufacturing Fixes

- PCB Design

- Reverse Engineering An Air Intake

- Short Shifter

Our terms page to help you make sense of manufacturing lingo.

Why choose Atrick Design?

We deliver long term value with simplified, turn-key, world class designs.  We have the practical hands on experience, understanding, and tools to navigate risk, simplify, and deliver designs and turn key solutions above your expectations.  You won't be bogged down with flashy acronyms, false badges of achievement, empty promises, surprise costs, or blindsided by trouble areas.  We're raising the bar on design, communication, and quality. Work with us to experience a better way forward.